You can scroll down to the bottom and click “BOOKING NOW”, but please read the information carefully before making an appointment, Thank you

Before Booking

After you have 70% of your tattoo ideas you can communicate briefly through Instagram DM/email/WeChat. 

If you are: pregnant, under 18 years old, have infectious diseases, tetanus, blood diseases, heart disease, or other health conditions. Studio will not provide service.

No repetition of design (can make changes on previous designs)
Please don't use my designs and ask other artists to do it...

Custom design is available, with no additional fee for designing, which also means it is included in the final price.
Each project comes with a Free touch-up within 1 year.

I have dogs in the studio, please let me know in advance if you are allergic to dogs. They will not be in the working area but if it is severe, we will not be able to work on it, so please take it with a grain of salt.

Please confirm that you are not scar-type, or allergic to red pigment. Not arrive within 30 minutes of the scheduled time, your appointment will be canceled

Once you book your design, you can't switch, so be fully committed at the time you book. Custom design doesn't allow any theme changes, 1 large change can be made.

I don't copy other artists' work, I respect originality. Unless you bought that design. It's fine to send any photo as a reference, but I will never copy it. I am happy to tattoo your own or your friend's drawings.

I usually reply to messages soon, and during the discussion sections, hope you will also rely in a timely manner. so that I have more time to do the designs. Thank you!

My appointment minimum is $100 and my flashes are usually around $200 - 600. If a design needs to take more than 3 hours, it will charged hourly: 200/hour. After you finish the booking form, I’ll send you detailed pricing info based on your form, please read it carefully.

I require a non-refundable $100 deposit to book your appointment. This will be included in the final price of the tattoo and can be sent through Venmo/Zelle. Again, it is non-refundable, so please check your calendar to make sure there are no conflicts.

If you need to change your appointment date, please give me at least 3-5 days notice. If I cancel the booking due to some emergency one day before the appointment date or on the date, I’ll reschedule your booking ASAP

Before the tattoo work begins, I will determine the tattoo pattern, location, and size, and get the consent of the customer before starting the tattoo work. I do not accept the tattoo after the size, location, placement, and design are not satisfactory for reasons other than medically identified health factors to claim compensation.

Do not come to your appointment drunk, hungover, or excited.
Wear loose-fitting dark clothing ...... or something you don't mind getting ink on.
Be sure to get a good night's sleep
 Eat something before arriving at the tattoo studio
Shave the area if you can
Come on time. Not too early, not too late!

Tattoo Aftercare
1. After two hours, remove the plastic wrap (Or remove the Saniderm after 12-48 hours). Clean your new tattoo with a paper towel and water to wash away residual blood and ink.

2. Apply a small amount of A&D ointment or Aquaphor ointment to the new tattoo. If blood seeps out, clean the area with water and a paper towel. Re-apply a thin layer of ointment onto your new tattoo when needed.

3. For the first two days, repeat the steps above a few times a day. After two days, keep the tattoo dry and breathable.

4. After about one week, your tattoo will scab and peel. When your skin peels, do not scratch or rip it off. Let it fall off naturally. If your tattoo feels too dry, apply some ointment or non-scented lotion on the area.

During the healing process, AVOID:
1. over exercise/ sweat
2. Soak in water/ swim/ sauna
3. Sun exposure